Social Now Event

Normally, I would not post a press release about an event, however… I will be speaking at this one, so have a look!! Of course it will be a great event either way, well worth a look if your organisastion is interested in the world of Social!.

Social Now is an international event with a very unique format. It is designed to help organisations understand (the differences between) social tools and ways of enhancing the return from their existing ones.

This is achieved through short stories, told by tool representatives, of how their tool is used at Cablinc, a fictitious company, to address three business requirements: innovation management, topic-based knowledge sharing, and project-based collaboration.

An independent panel of professionals will pose questions as a way of highlighting key aspects to consider when analysing a tool.

Great keynote speakers, relevant talks and plenty of networking opportunities are three other reasons to travel to sunny Lisbon for two days of very practical and valuable knowledge gathering.

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