Gamification World Congress 2014

Wow, what an amazing couple of days.

Last week was Gamification World Congress 2014, the biggest Gamification event in Europe and I think in the world with over 600 people. They all came together over 3 days to celebrate the best Gamification has to offer in 3 days packed full of talks  (seriously 9 am until 8:30pm with over 30 talks on the second day!) and workshops.

On day one, 60 delegates attended 4 workshops, run by Sergio Jiménez, Mario Herger, Alberto Tornero and me.

The workshops were great fun, I think everyone enjoyed most of the content they got to see and work with. My own had some highs and lows – which I am going to build on to create my next one (details soon I hope).

The day of the talks was massive. So many great speakers, I can’t think of a single talk that I didn’t enjoy! I also enjoyed my talk hugely and was happy to answer all of the questions thrown my way.

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I can’t wait to see the output from the third day, which I sadly missed. it was on the use of gamification in education and health care and I am sure it was just as amazing as the other days!

I just wanted to use this blog post to thank everyone involved, from the organisers to the attendees to the speakers. Everyone was friendly and the event was one of the most pleasant experiences I could imagine. On a personal note, I was thrilled to get to meet Kevin Werbach and Mario Herger – two of my gamification heroes!

I was also thrilled to win a trophy. I was overall third in the 2014 Gamification Gurus Leaderboarded annual awards. To give that some context though, let me explain the leaderboard and who was above me. The leaderboard runs all year, releasing monthly updates on who is the most active, most retweeted, most mentioned etc. gamification “gurus” in the world. There are over 300 people on the board.  The annual award takes all of the last 12 months activities and gives it an overall score, this is then put in to a leaderboard an the top three are given a trophy.

20140526 094420 35060568 225x300 Gamification World Congress 2014First place was given to Yu-Kai Chou. Yu-Kai is one of the true pioneers of gamification, having been involved in gamification in one way or another since 2003. He was at the top of the leaderboard for several months straight. Second place went to Mario Herger. He is one of the most respected people in the industry, having worked for SAP and now being one of the founders of Enterprise Gamification Consultancy (along with Yu-Kai) – the first gamification consultancy of its type. He has never been far from the top of the leaderboard over the last 12 months.

I came third, 2 points behind Yu-Kai and a fraction of a point behind Mario. For me this is huge. It is like your local town football team winning the world cup, or your dad in a winning the Forumla 1 Championships in a Ford Mondeo. Next year, I am coming for the number 1 spot though, having been at the top of the board (finally!) for the last two months, I hope that this will be my year!

Thanks to the guys at GWC14 for having me and I hope to see you all again next year!

And finally, Bart Briers gave a sublime talk to close the event, with a single resounding message. 1202 (look it up with regards to Apollo 11). If you fail – reboot quickly and try again.

 My Slides

Workshop slides

Talk Slides

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3 thoughts on “Gamification World Congress 2014”

  1. Congratulations, for this amazing and deserved award, and thanks (a lot) for your daily lessons about Gamification which are inspiration and konowledge for Gamification Passionates and Lovers!!


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