A week of memes

For some strange reason I have become obsessed with making memes recently! It may just be I have a  couple of apps on the phone that make it easy now. Whatever the reasons, I thought I would share my last week or so of memes here with you guys. Also, I have not had a chance to write a real blog. Oh, before we go there though – the book has a title (I think)

Even Ninja Monkeys Like to Play

Gamification, Game Thinking and Motivational Design

Now on to the memes!

Gamification is not about making games!
Progress needs a destination
Sometimes you just have to know when the person who you are talking to doesn’t care!
I’m a nerd – deal with it!
Everyone has an opinion.
Seriously – I will do anything to get my kids to eat veg.
If you are weak of mind…
Okay, I may be a bit crazy
Money might not be the root of happiness, but it can’t hurt to have a bit more..
Sometimes you just have to listen and nod along
Writing takes courage
Family is not just about blood
I wish this so often – but experience makes us who we are..

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