So a big bit of news in the consulting world is that Accenture has got rid of its annual performance reviews and rankings. This has had some level of fanfare as innovative and exciting. They of course are not alone. Deloitte is looking at doing the same thing and as the article says about 6% of the Fortune 500 have already done it.
Have a read for yourself.
The reason for this blog is that it got me thinking about a talk I did in 2013 at Gamification World Congress. It was titled “Gamification of a Career”.
The talk was about how you could model a career around ideas that we see in games. This included ideas such as visualising career paths up front, similar to a game map, improved inductions and more.
One area that I covered in some detail was regular feedback as an alternative to yearly or bi-yearly review processes. The basic idea was that games give feedback as and when it is needed. Shoot a bad guy, they die on screen and you get a score increase. This is not true of work very often. You do some work, possibly collect some feedback and then months later are given an indication of what value your company saw in the work you did.
In the game world this would be the same as shooting the bad guy and waiting a year to see if you actually hit them.
Anyway, the talk is below – it may be of interest to you, if you have not already seen it. And other companies, take note – regular feedback is much better as we move into the future!
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