The Hook – Frame – Action Framework: High Impact Language for Marketers

Hfa header The Hook 8211 Frame 8211 Action Framework High Impact Language for Marketers

I am a big believer in the power of words. We often forget just how powerful they can be, whether it is talking to our friends, loved ones or – in this instance – potential customers.

In marketing, or CRO or any type of sales-like activity, just like with gamification, we are trying to encourage our users / customers to behave in a certain way. You need to capture their attention, keep them interested and then guide them towards an outcome of some sort – and this is really hard. Read More ...

Why Gorillas (and Games) are such good Teachers

Games have always been excellent tools for teaching and learning. There are plenty of reasons why this may be, but for me, it comes down to one simple thing – they give context to the materials.

Let us for a moment take a simple example—projectile paths.

We could look at the equation

Or, we could add context to the idea and play Gorillas instead, where we get to alter the velocity and angle of a player throwing a projectile at another player.

Obviously, the game is more fun. We are learning about how velocity, launch angles and gravity all work to create parabolic projectile paths in a fun way. Do you learn everything? No, but it gives context to the formula and brings it to life. Read More ...

The Ludic Spirit Player Type Quiz

So here I am again. Another player type categorisation another quiz 🙂

The Ludic Player Type Quiz

It’s a simple 10-question quiz and at the end of it you will be given one or more player types and a nice little image like this

Just as a reminder, the player types are

  • Adventurer: These individuals embody curiosity and a thirst for discovery. They find excitement in pushing boundaries and uncovering what lies beyond. Their fearless exploration enriches their lives with new experiences and perspectives.
  • Creator: Creators thrive on imagination and the act of making. Whether it’s building worlds, crafting stories, or expressing themselves through art, they find fulfillment in bringing new creations to life. Their creativity fuels the imaginations of others and inspires awe and wonder.
  • Actor: Actors breathe life into the creations of others, infusing them with personality and depth. Through role-play and imaginative storytelling, they immerse themselves in new worlds and experiences, enriching the play for themselves and those around them.
  • Learner: Learners approach play as a means of growth and self-improvement. They eagerly seek out new challenges and opportunities to expand their skills and knowledge. Every game or activity becomes a chance to learn and develop, making them constantly evolve and adapt.
  • Anarchist: Anarchists disrupt the status quo and challenge conventional norms. While their chaotic tendencies may seem unpredictable, they bring a sense of spontaneity and unpredictability to the play. Though they may sometimes upset the balance, they also inject a sense of excitement and novelty into the experience.
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    The 4 Pillars of Change in Gamification, Optimisation and Behaviour Change

    In my new world, I focus on optimisation a lot in the realms of e-commerce performance. Testing, personalisation etc. It has taken a very long time for me to realise that my new world is almost identical to my old world of gamification. At their most basic, they both rely on 4 key pillars to succeed as they are both focused on behavioural change.

    I wanted to just explore those briefly here with you, as much as a way of consolidating the thought process as much as anything else!!

    The four pillars are. Read More ...

    The TRAC to Teamwork

    A long time ago, I created a little framework for improving teamwork in organisations. I had forgotten about it until a recent conversation! So here it is, the TRAC to Teamwork

  • Trust: Develop a culture of transparency and honest communication.   
  • Role Clarity: Ensure all team members understand their roles clearly and where the boundaries are between their roles and the roles of others.
  • Autonomy: Empower everyone to work independently within their roles and ensure they feel confident enough in their team to collaborate where needed.
  • Competence: Ensure all team members have the correct skills to achieve their goals and perform their roles successfully. Offer additional development where needed.
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