So here I am again. Another player type categorisation another quiz 🙂
It’s a simple 10-question quiz and at the end of it you will be given one or more player types and a nice little image like this
Just as a reminder, the player types are
So here I am again. Another player type categorisation another quiz 🙂
It’s a simple 10-question quiz and at the end of it you will be given one or more player types and a nice little image like this
Just as a reminder, the player types are
In my new world, I focus on optimisation a lot in the realms of e-commerce performance. Testing, personalisation etc. It has taken a very long time for me to realise that my new world is almost identical to my old world of gamification. At their most basic, they both rely on 4 key pillars to succeed as they are both focused on behavioural change.
I wanted to just explore those briefly here with you, as much as a way of consolidating the thought process as much as anything else!!
The four pillars are.
A long time ago, I created a little framework for improving teamwork in organisations. I had forgotten about it until a recent conversation! So here it is, the TRAC to Teamwork
We’ve all been there. You stop at traffic lights, and a frenzied delivery cyclist swiftly zips in front, ignoring the light. Perhaps you’re at KFC, jostled by a swarm of Deliveroo and Uber Eats drivers, all clamouring and gesturing at order numbers on their phones. Or maybe you find yourself unable to access your driveway because a colossal white van obstructs it, while an Amazon delivery person leaves £300 worth of electrical goods on your neighbour’s doorstep in the pouring rain.
That may well be the oddest title I’ve ever written.
Look, I’ll keep this short. If you want to write content, be it personal or professional, that resonates with people – don’t talk about yourself all the time!
If you read your content out loud and it sounds like this
Then you are not speaking to or about your target audience – you are just talking about you and they will get bored very very very fast.
For those who didn’t want to watch the clips they went “I, I, I, I, I, I” and “We, We, We, We, We”