Gamification User Journey Framework

User Journey 2017 1 Gamification User Journey Framework

As ever, I look at all my work and try to evolve it over time. This time it is the turn of the EEEE User Journey framework. There is nothing wrong with it in concept, I just feel that I want to add to it!

If you will remember it consisted of four phases. Enrol, Enthuse, Engage and End Game / Endear.

Now, I have started to view it slightly differently! It’s my prerogative ok! So now we start with Discover (yes I know the likes of Yu Kai and Amy Jo have done this), followed by On-Board, Immerse, Master and finally Replay Read More ...

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The EEEE User Journey Framework

20140501 205118 The EEEE User Journey Framework

Over the past weeks as I have been re-writing chunks of my book and preparing for various talks, I have been trying to consolidate a lot of my ideas. This has so far lead to four basic frameworks.

RAMP, GAME, EEEE and User Types. There is a big infographic at the end of this post that goes over them, but in brief

RAMP: My intrinsic motivation framework that I have spoke about before. Relatedness, Autonomy, Master, Purpose.

GAME: An update of my original development process framework. Gather, Act, Measure, Enrich. I will speak about this in the next blog post. Read More ...

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Winning isn’t everything – demotivating by allowing a win state

1389662 22069019 Winning isn 8217 t everything 8211 demotivating by allowing a win state

Most people like to win. There is something deep down inside all of us who love to be the winner, to experience the rush that comes with beating something. It may be a game, it may be winning at sport, it may be collecting all the Pokemon. Whatever it is, you get a huge feeling of achievement – Fiero.

The trouble is, winning is short lived. Once you have won, what happens next?

In sport winning is just one part of playing the sport. One win is great, but you still need to train and train so that you can win again. Very few people can say that there is nothing left to attain in their chosen sport. Read More ...

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The Hero’s Journey of the User

Player Heros Journey The Hero 8217 s Journey of the User

What follows is a little bit of fun, but one that may help you take another look at how you are planning your user journey in gamified systems. In storytelling and therefore in games there is a structure that is well known and well used called the Hero’s Journey or Monomyth.  It was first described by Joseph Campbell in 1949 to show how many myths all followed a very similar structure.  In the modern world, it can be seen in stories such as Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings. It can be seen in video games as well, one example being the Zelda games. Read More ...

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Gamification: Overjustification Effect and Cheating

Disruptor journey Gamification Overjustification Effect and Cheating

Happy New Year everyone. I was going to start the year with a little article on how I problem solve, but an opportunity arose to write about something that I have been wanting to write about for a while!

When extrinsic rewards go bad

A couple of nights ago, I was bombarded with notices about comments on one particular blog post. Each was from a different, but similar anonymous email address and contained “Nice post xxx” where xxx was a number. Each comment also came from the same IP address.  I was about to block the IP totally, when I noticed that the leaderboard on my site had one very clear leader. It also showed that had a very unusual stream of activity – multiple comments on one post, multiple likes and tweets and g+ across pages and more. They had found a loop hole in the way CaptainUp manages scores. I knew it would probably happen and truth be told the culprit was not a great surprise to me.  What did surprise me was an article that he then published about his experience with gamified systems on my site and another. Read More ...

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