The Hype is Over – Gamification is Here to Stay

Emerging tech hc The Hype is Over 8211 Gamification is Here to Stay

Welcome to my first post holiday blog. Lots going on, not least of which I have now got a draft of my book! You can register your interest in buying it here -> Sign up for notifications about Even Ninja Monkeys Like to Play. I am looking at ways to apply a discount for people who sign up 🙂

Now to business.

Today, two interesting things came to my attention about the state of gamification. The first was Gartner’s Hype Cycle. For those that don’t know, Gartner predict how technology will be adopted over time in a cycle of 5 phases. Below is the description of each taken from their website  Read More ...

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

20130212 081506 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

One of the most tedious arguments in gamification is that of Intrinsic Motivation vs. Extrinsic Motivation . Not only is it tedious, it is also one of the most written about topics on the web relating to gamification and is one of the main reasons people cite when they tell you why they think gamification is rubbish. They feel that all gamifiers rely too much on extrinsic motivators.

I have tackled this in various forms of the last 2 years, but not directly written an article mentioning those two words in the title.  As such, I am often accused of not understanding the whole argument because I sometimes say that extrinsic rewards don’t always suck.  So, here we go, oh and do a search for better articles after you read this one! Read More ...