The Hype is Over – Gamification is Here to Stay

Emerging tech hc The Hype is Over 8211 Gamification is Here to Stay

Welcome to my first post holiday blog. Lots going on, not least of which I have now got a draft of my book! You can register your interest in buying it here -> Sign up for notifications about Even Ninja Monkeys Like to Play. I am looking at ways to apply a discount for people who sign up 🙂

Now to business.

Today, two interesting things came to my attention about the state of gamification. The first was Gartner’s Hype Cycle. For those that don’t know, Gartner predict how technology will be adopted over time in a cycle of 5 phases. Below is the description of each taken from their website  Read More ...

The Language of Gamification – Short Glossary [Updated]

As I rewrite my book, I realise that there are many terms that I have been using that may not be known to non-gamification people. When I started writing it was with the intention of using plain language. Sadly, that is not always possible. So I have started to build a little glossary of terms as I use them. This is my interpretation of the words or phrases and is by no means complete. I will add to it over time I’m sure!

A few videos for you and a design worksheet

Hi all. Not got a blog ready yet, but thought I would post a few videos for you. The first is about my User Types. I made it for Victor Manrique’s Iversity gamification design course (he has kindly agreed to let me post it here). The others are some little test videos I have been making recently with the fantastic Adboe Voice.  If you want to be able to create simple narrative driven videos and have an iPad – check it out (it’s free).

Also, I have started to build a worksheet to help you design and plan gamified solutions, The first draft is now available – let me know what you think! gamified uk worksheet v3 (pdf) Read More ...

Why do we use game related words in gamification?

And, is it ok?

The quickest answer is ease and lack of maturity.

It is easy to borrow words from games like quests, missions, achievements, trophies, player and the like. It is easier than finding gamification or more “businessy” alternatives. The reason for this? Gamification has not yet matured enough to have its own set of metaphors to use. Instead we use ones from games.

Is this ok?

It all depends who you ask. Many in gamification, especially the newest members of the movement, don’t like it. It feels as though it cheapens the amazing things that can be achieved with gamification. It makes us all think of the bad times, where points, badges and leaderboards were all that was out there. Read More ...

Ark Group KM Conference

Gamification is a hot topic right now. Gartner even has it at the top of its hype cycle right now. But, what is it and has it taken off in the world of Knowledge Management?

Wikipedia defines gamification as;

the use of game thinking and game mechanics in non-game contexts to engage users in solving problems

Gartner has recently caused a bit of a controversy in gamification circles by narrowing the definition to;

the use of game mechanics and experience design to digitally engage and motivate people to achieve their goals Read More ...

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