Gamification World Congress 2014

20140526 094318 34998058 Gamification World Congress 2014

Wow, what an amazing couple of days.

Last week was Gamification World Congress 2014, the biggest Gamification event in Europe and I think in the world with over 600 people. They all came together over 3 days to celebrate the best Gamification has to offer in 3 days packed full of talks  (seriously 9 am until 8:30pm with over 30 talks on the second day!) and workshops.

On day one, 60 delegates attended 4 workshops, run by Sergio Jiménez, Mario Herger, Alberto Tornero and me.

The workshops were great fun, I think everyone enjoyed most of the content they got to see and work with. My own had some highs and lows – which I am going to build on to create my next one (details soon I hope). Read More ...

Gamification Spreads its Wings to India

India’s first Gamification conference is happening Oct 4 in Bangalore. The speaker list is up and the line-up is pretty impressive. Speakers include Mario Herger, Yu-kai Chou, Fergie Miller, Shahnawaz Khan and more. The chance to get face-to-face with leading deployers from the world of gamification, to learn the power of engaging design, how to implement these techniques to reinvent the way you engage with business and the way your business engages with the world, is not to be missed. When you register before Aug 16 you’ll save up to $50 off the regular fee (and ensure your spot). Read More ...

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