Top 10 Posts and Pages from 2013

Gamification e0 Top 10 Posts and Pages from 2013

Happy 2014 everyone! Just a quick post to show you all what the top 10 pages and articles have been on my blog in the past 12 months. It fills me with joy just how popular the User Types have been!

  1. Marczewski’s User Types
  2. Marczewski’s User Types and Nicole Lazzaro’s 4 Keys 2 Fun
  3. Game Mechanics and Gamification
  4. The Differences between Gamification and Games
  5. My Gamification Framework
  6. The Effect of Time on Decision Making
  7. Supporting Marczewski’s User Types
  8. Gamification in the Wild – Examples and Case Studies
  9. Extrinsically and Intrinsically Motivated User Types
  10. Game Thinking – Breaking it Down

I’m looking forward to exploring the types more this year, but also getting some more facts and figures behind them (probably…).

My wishes for this year are to get more involved in the practical side of gamification, working closer with the industry as a whole. Doing more talks (UK, get your act together and start doing more gamification events – I am really reasonably priced 😉 ). Also, I would love to do a few guest lectures for game design students, marketing students and the like! Read More ...

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