How do I design a business gamification to make it fun for users or employees?

Work is Fun How do I design a business gamification to make it fun for users or employees


How do I design a business gamification to make it fun for users or employees?

This is a question that comes up a lot in my world. In this case, what follows is my answer on Quora when I saw this. It repeats some of the stuff I have said here before, but I think a little more concisely as I had to write it on my phone!!!

My Answer

I would want a lot more information.

First, What is the goal? The goal isn’t fun, it will be something like productivity increase or training compliance.

Once you really know the goal, explore why it isn’t already happening. Understand who the potential users are and what is stopping them doing the things you want them engaged with. Read More ...

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Purpose – A little bit can go a long way

Epic1 Purpose 8211 A little bit can go a long way

Recently I have been thinking about purpose or meaning a lot. It’s one of the four motivators from RAMP that seems to be the hard to explain and achieve.

When I first started looking into gamification, people used to talk about Epic Meaning when speaking of game mechanics (incorrectly, but that is another story).  This is the feeling of being part of something greater. An example I often use is Wikipedia. People contribute to that, freely, because many of them like to feel that they are contributing to something that is larger than themselves and has great meaning to others. So for Wikipedia contributors that is their purpose – “epic meaning”. Read More ...

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Gamification User Types and the 4 Keys 2 Fun

User Type Fun Theory v3 Gamification User Types and the 4 Keys 2 Fun

I am pretty excited about this one.

Gamification User Types

When I created my gamification User Types definitions, it was with a mind to help people consider who is going to be in their gamified systems and what may motivate them. I started with the intrinsic motivation RAMP I keep talking about, Relatedness, Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose. From this I created the Socialiser, Free Spirit, Achiever and Philanthropist user types. That covered the who and the what – who the user may be and what it is that may motivate them. One of the things it didn’t cover was why. Why would people engage in this way and god forbid, why would they find it fun? Read More ...

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