Ark Group KM Conference

Gamification is a hot topic right now. Gartner even has it at the top of its hype cycle right now. But, what is it and has it taken off in the world of Knowledge Management?

Wikipedia defines gamification as;

the use of game thinking and game mechanics in non-game contexts to engage users in solving problems

Gartner has recently caused a bit of a controversy in gamification circles by narrowing the definition to;

the use of game mechanics and experience design to digitally engage and motivate people to achieve their goals

Personally I go with;

The use of game elements and design metaphors to solve problems – such as engagement, motivation or compliance

There are various models that are associated with Knowledge Management. I feel that it is interesting to consider a couple whilst we look into how gamification can be used. The 9 Step KM Process developed by Knowledge Associates seems to be one that has many areas that could utilise gamification.

Km process 2 Ark Group KM Conferenceas do the 4 dimensions of Knowledge Management & Innovation

Both of these lend themselves very well to the concepts of gamification, especially the User Journey.

Getting involved.

The conference is happening over the 11th and 12th of June. To find out more or book your place, head to

Before the conference the Day Two Chairman Paul J Corney (Managing Partner Knowledge et al), Stephen Dale (Managing Director of Collabor8now Ltd) and I are conducting preliminary research to see whether organisations involved in Knowledge Management are adopting some of the emerging gamification tools and techniques. Stephen has a paper on this subject to be published soon and Paul and I will be running a workshop at KMUK the results of which will be made available to everyone who participates here and at that event.

Please take a few minutes to help us develop a better picture of what’s happening. Even if you are not directly involved in a gamification type initiative in your organisation, your view is important.  Thanks in advance

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