Some AI Insights into the HEXAD User Types

I recently downloaded the latest response stats for the HEXAD 12 User Types test, and fed them into ChatGPT to analyse. I thought it was very interesting what came back, and it supported what I had observed in the past – so thought I would share it here!

1. Gender-Based Trends


  • Predominantly align with Socialiser and Philanthropist types, indicating a strong preference for community engagement and altruistic behaviors.
  • The dominance of Socialiser decreases slightly in older age groups, replaced by Philanthropist, reflecting a shift toward purpose-driven motivations.


  • Tend to exhibit Achiever and Player traits, emphasizing goal-oriented behaviors, competitions, and extrinsic rewards.
  • Achiever remains a strong motivator across all age groups for males, with Player peaking in younger users and declining over time.

2. Age Group Dominance

Younger Users (18–29):

  • Continue to show higher prevalence of Free Spirit traits, reflecting a desire for autonomy, exploration, and creative freedom.
  • Player traits are also slightly stronger in this age group, indicating the appeal of rewards and achievements early in life.

Older Users (30–49):

  • Display more balanced traits, with notable increases in Philanthropist motivations, suggesting a shift toward altruism and purpose-driven engagement.
  • Achiever remains prominent, indicating continued goal-oriented behavior.

3. Gender and Age Interaction

Younger Females (18–20):

  • Exhibit strong Socialiser and Philanthropist tendencies, valuing relationships, community, and purpose.
  • Free Spirit is also significant, reflecting creativity and independence.

Older Males (30–49):

  • Demonstrate higher inclinations toward Achiever and Free Spirit, focusing on mastery, autonomy, and personal growth.

4. Players Are Reward-Oriented but Underrepresented

  • Player remains one of the least dominant traits across all groups but is more pronounced in younger users (18–20), aligning with early-stage life goals and aspirations.
  • This suggests that gamified reward systems may resonate well with younger users but require a balanced approach for older demographics.

5. Philanthropists Increase with Age

  • Philanthropist scores grow progressively higher with age, especially in females, reflecting a shift toward purpose-driven motivations and meaningful engagement.
  • Older users may prefer systems that allow for altruistic contributions or positive social impacts.

6. Disruptors Are Rare but Not Unique

  • Disruptor remains the least common trait but represents a distinct group that thrives on innovation and system challenges.
  • While small in proportion, Disruptors may play a critical role in driving change and creative problem-solving.

7. Balanced Motivations in Older Users

  • Users aged 30–49, regardless of gender, exhibit more balanced traits, combining Philanthropist, Achiever, and Free Spirit motivations.
  • This suggests that holistic engagement strategies may be more effective for middle-aged users.

8. Gendered Trends in Free Spirits

  • Free Spirit remains significant in both genders but is more pronounced in younger users:
    • Younger females (18–29) emphasize autonomy, creativity, and social connections.
    • Younger males (18–29) balance autonomy with mastery, reflecting a mix of Free Spirit and Achiever traits.

9. Socialisers Decline With Age

  • Socialiser traits dominate in younger age groups (18–20), especially among females.
  • As users age, social motivations decline slightly in favor of Philanthropist and Achiever traits.

10. Gender-Specific Gamification Design Implications

For Younger Females:

  • Emphasize social and collaborative elements.
  • Introduce opportunities for creative autonomy to complement their Free Spirit tendencies.

For Older Females:

  • Provide meaningful engagement through systems that enable altruistic contributions or community-building activities.

For Younger Males:

  • Focus on structured rewards, autonomy, and creative exploration, while ensuring clear goal-setting frameworks.

For Older Males:

  • Create mastery-driven challenges with measurable progress.
  • Incorporate autonomy and opportunities for personal growth to align with their Achiever and Free Spirit motivations.


The heatmap and correlation matrix provide insights into the relationships between Hexad user types:

  1. Negative Correlations:
    • Socialiser vs. Free Spirit: Moderate negative correlation (-0.44), indicating that users who value social connections are less likely to prioritize autonomy.
    • Socialiser vs. Disruptor: Moderate negative correlation (-0.40), suggesting that those with strong social motivations are less inclined to challenge systems.
    • Philanthropist vs. Disruptor: Strong negative correlation (-0.47), reflecting opposing tendencies between altruism and disruption.
  2. Positive Correlations:
    • Socialiser vs. Philanthropist: Weak positive correlation (+0.20), indicating some overlap between social and altruistic motivations.
    • Other positive correlations are weak, indicating distinctiveness between most Hexad types.
  3. Low/No Correlation:
    • Free Spirit vs. Disruptor: Very low correlation (-0.02), suggesting that autonomy and system-challenging behaviors are largely independent.
    • Achiever vs. Other Types: Weak correlations across the board, implying that achievement motivation is independent of other traits.


  • The negative correlation between Socialiser and Free Spirit suggests a design trade-off when targeting these traits simultaneously.
  • Philanthropist and Disruptor are polar opposites, requiring distinct engagement strategies.
  • Achiever and Player show low correlation, highlighting that reward-driven behaviors and goal-oriented challenges can coexist without conflict.

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