CaptainUp is back on the blog

Captup1 CaptainUp is back on the blog

I was recently contacted by the guys from CaptainUp ( For those that don’t know, this is a free / affordable platform for gamifying websites and until recently I had been using it for about 2 years. Then I stopped and they were interested to know why.  The main reason was how intrusive it was to my readers, with popups and flashes and the like distracting from the content.

So they asked if I was willing to try something – a package they wanted to test that was less invasive and focused more on just gently thanking my readers for their loyalty.  So it is, CaptainUp is back on the blog – just slightly more low key.  You get one popup asking you to join my little club. After that there is always a small bar at the bottom of the page that will let you join should you wish. There is a leaderboard as well. Badges can be earned for simple things such as liking and tweeting. There are a couple of missions as well (more to come). The first you should try is the Onboarding one. See the progress bar on the left of the page? Click it and it will show links I feel all my readers should have looked at to understand my content better Read More ...

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