Gamification Challenge: Can You Defeat Bigotry?

5466266 Gamification Challenge Can You Defeat Bigotry

As I walked through town recently, I was reminded rather forcefully that homophobia and bigotry still exist in a big way.

As my family and I were walking through a charity store, a man was loudly saying the following to his 3 or 4-year-old son.

Don’t tell me you kissed a boy. Stop kissing boys, it ain’t natural!

I am a parent to two girls, both of whom are open about the fact they don’t label themselves in any specific way when it comes to their preferences towards gender. Hearing this made them both upset and mad as hell – as it did me. Read More ...

Status, motivation and primal instinct

Note, when I am talking about user types, I am referring to my classification  user types found here! Since I released the User Types Hexad, I speak less about the extrinsic group outside of calling them Players. To help;

Consumer=Player Achiever.
Self Seeker=Player Philanthropist.
Networkers=Player Socialiser.
Exploiter=Player Free Spirit.

Status in the realms of gamification is a funny thing. It is something that we all agree is important, but seem divided on its nature. Some talk about it as an intrinsic motivator others extrinsic. Read More ...

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