Introduction to Gamification Part 6: The User Journey

Intro to Gamification Part 6 Introduction to Gamification Part 6 The User Journey

In the last chapter, we looked at goals and feedback. To follow on from this, I wanted to look at how you should plan feedback and rewards, based on the user’s expectations. However, to start, we need to look at the User Journey, which is a chapter on its own!

What is a User Journey?

In our world, the user journey is the series of steps that a user takes whilst engaged with your solutions. I break it down into four key stages. Discovery, OnBoarding, Immersion and Mastery/Replay. Ok, so that is more like 4 1/2 steps… Read More ...

Combining the Gamification User Journey, Action / Feedback Loops and the Spiral to Mastery

Ok, so a pretty long title there, but stay with me.

I have been trying out making a couple of videos to augment the blog a little. The first one was to introduce a new version of my activity loops idea from a few years ago. The second was to talk about how that fits together with the new Gamification User Journey and a new-ish idea around spirals and mastery… you need to watch the video to get more about that one!

Activity / Feedback Loops

First off, can anyone think of a nice little name for this, something catchy? Also, can anyone make a nicer looking version (Bernardo, I’m looking at you dude!!). Read More ...

The gamification of a career

A fair few of my recent posts have revolved around how we can use ideas from games / gamification to improve certain aspects of an employee’s “journey” through their career. I thought it may be time to pull it all together in a single coherent (I hope) post!

It makes sense to start with an employee’s first days, usually an induction process of some type. Rather than the standard two or three days of death by PowerPoint, how about this;

They start with a simple half day induction, preferably done face to face with a group of other newbies. Here they are told the basic essentials for them to actually get into an office, cover any legal requirements and meet people they may be working with in the future. After this, they are given the essential kit to get them going, probably a Smartphone and laptop. Read More ...

Mario as a Metaphor for your Career

When you consider your career, unless you are a games developer, I am pretty sure Mario does not enter your thoughts all that much. However, this game (as with almost all other games really) can teach us a lot about how we can plan our careers and how businesses really need to reconsider how they handle the careers of its employees.  This is not so much gamification as it is learning from games.

Games offer players a lot fo different mechanisms to understand where they are in the game, where they are going and how they are doing. All of this information is available at a glance, never more than one button press away if it is not on-screen already. Read More ...

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