Focus – it’s like a learning super power

20140528 183527 66927600 Focus 8211 it 8217 s like a learning super power

This is a picture of my daughter playing Toca Pet Doctor. What can you see?

A child. A tablet. A game. A table. And a dress in the background?

What else?

Focus. Pure and laser like focus. My daughter is about 2 years old. I got Toca Pet Doctor for her today as a treat. My 7 year old laughed at me and said “she will not be able to play that, she doesn’t know how”.

I smiled.

After loading, the screen showed a pet. She tapped it. The screen switched to a picture of the pets fur, an open jar and 2 fleas crawling in the fur. She tapped the fur. Nothing happened. She tapped a flea, it moved. She tapped and held a flea, it stuck to her finger. She moved it to the jar, it fell in. She did the same with the second flea and waited. Both fleas jumped out of the jar. She tried again, dragging the fleas to the jar – only this time she closed the lid after she had put them in. Curtains draw and she is congratulated. Read More ...

PDF Tray Focus 8211 it 8217 s like a learning super power