Intrinsic Motivation RAMP, Ethics, a game and an interview!

Lots happening this week, the biggest being the fact that I will be presenting at this week.  As such, it has been mostly prep for that in the last couple of days, so no time for a proper blog I’m afraid.  However, I still have some bits for you.

The first.  I started writing a little game called the Green Button.  It is short and very alpha, but I would love you to have a go and let me know what you think!

Next, I have decided to publish my personal code of ethics and offer you all the opportunity to sign up for it (and get a badge for your site 😉 ). No cost, no catch, no qualifications needed.  Read More ...

Gamification: Some More Views

Gamification Gamification Some More Views

First of all, thanks to everyone who has viewed or downloaded my Gamification presentation. It has had over 600 views on Slideshare, which is fantastic! Looking forward to my next chance to do the talk (hint hint people!!!)

Also, check out this short interview I did with the Association for Interactive Media & Entertainment 5Qs Gamificaiton

A little while ago, I did a piece called “What the Experts Think” where I invited industry experts in gamification to give their opinions. We, I opened this up so any one can answer and here are the first answers I have had. I will leave the survey open as I would love to get more of you to tell me your thoughts. Thanks to everyone who has been involved so far 🙂 Read More ...

First Post – Thanks Stephen Fry

Stephen Fry is an interesting person.
For all his old world feel and image, educated and well spoken, he is
in fact a true technophile.

 I am a huge techy, but have never bothered much with a lot of the new
web services available.

 However I was playing with a new RSS service I was writing and decided
to look up Stephen Fry RSS feeds and got his Twitter feed.

 Now I am hooked. I have to read it when ever it updates, just to know
what this man is thinking at any time!

 I now have my own twitter ( and have
(thanks again to Stephen Fry) decided to try out posterous. Read More ...

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