What if we could never use the word Gamification again…?

Gamification What if we could never use the word Gamification again 8230

A few days ago on the awesome Facebook group Gamification Hub – I posed the following question.

Andrzej Marczewski

If the word gamification was banned from all usage – what would you replace it with. I’d go with “game thinking” personally.

What followed was a fantastic conversation that I felt deserved to be shared. This is just a small example of the great content this group generates.


Roman Rackwitz

In this case, I would try to get rid off everything that sounds like game (because it will still confuse everyone).

My two cents: Engagement-Design or Human-Driven-Design

Keith Ng

Rewards and Motivation Design

Andrzej Marczewski

Both good. I am waiting for human centric design or ludification / ludic design as well!

Marigo Raftopoulos

Gamification is and does so many different things, so it’s kinda hard to choose one name. But if you really twisted my arm, I’d go for experience design.

Manuel Pimenta

My only question is that human-centric design or human driven design are already out there: it’s called Design Thinking. I don’t think we should hide from games because it’s precisely what makes gamification so special and not just another lame stab at design. We’ve already got pervasive design, persuasive design, human centric, experience design and so on… game thinking or playful design are interesting, but I’d probably go with game based design. It sends the message across and sort of implies that it’s not game design, it’s just game based…

Frederik Agge Ronex

Experience Design.

Victor Manrique

Game Thinking +1

Joris Beerda

I see that human focused design is not mentioned. Human centric design exists already. Experience design is good but could be confused with UX design. User Focused Design?

Marigo Raftopoulos

I’m jumping & hoping to start a conversation, I’m curious…Manuel Pimenta with the list of names you’ve just mentioned, where do you think ‘gamification’ is different and how does it add value?

Roman Rackwitz

I used to say human focused design also but than I experienced that customers thought about it more as a passive activity. This is why I changed to human driven design. It puts the human in an active position within the design. Means: the gamified activity changed all the time depending on the performance of the user. Driven by the human

Dutch Driver

Motivation Engineering

Dutch Driver

Or Engagement Engineering. ME is aka Mechanical Engineer and EE is aka Electrical Engineer

Mayur Kapur

Game-Like Human Focused Design!!

Mayur Kapur

If that looks like too long…GHFD

Dutch Driver

ha It is on my business card

Roman Rackwitz Inofficially I call it Enjoyneering. For the germans: from Engineering to Enjoyneering

Davis Webb

simulations and advanced explorative -participative environments

Gabe Zichermann

This is a scenario only Europeans and Chinese people would role play.

Andrzej Marczewski

Hah Gabe

Dutch Driver

What about ex-pat NYCers in love with Oaxaca, Gabe.

Gabe Zichermann

The “what if we banned a word” scenario isn’t hugely important in any of the North American countries. It’s not really our thing.

Andrzej Marczewski its all good! Just trying to get at the core of certain issues some seem to be having

Keith Ng

I am all for simple and clear definitions. Words like human centric design and experience design are nice, but way too generic and vague. I use rewards and motivation design to educate my clients, and they feedback that it’s much clearer and sells the benefits directly.

Keith Ng

Gabe Zichermann not a fan of role playing either- it’s tough to educate Asia on gamification and it helps sometimes if there is an analogous definition.

Gabe Zichermann

LOL you guys. I’m just stalling until someone says Gabeification. JK. I like lots of the ideas mooted above. My personal thing is to vary the synonym based on the context.

So, for example, if we’re doing a project that is employee engagement, I might call it that: an employee engagement program based on game principles. Or such. Without gamification as an omnibus term, we just end up having to be super specific is all.

Dutch Driver Keith

same in Alabama and Huntsville is a Federal Gov’t town…not generally known as even early majority adopters of innovation or technology.

Dutch Driver

In some senses, Gabification ought to be the name of a conference hall in the Gamification Hall of Fame, Gabe. Fitting tribute.

Keith Ng

Agree with Gabe Zichermann that gamification still ought to be the main keyword. Evangelizing just needs baby steps to start with, just like changing habits through gamification. And Gabification is not a bad idea. Maybe a good April fools

Andrzej Marczewski

I was being called daveification for a while lol

Mario Herger

Every name different from gamification, misses out on some of the most important differences, namely that Gamification include the focus on the player’s interests and motivations, and that fun is an important element. Experience, Engagement, Behavior Design do not cover that. Design Thinking is not looking at the motivations and interests and the fun of a player either; And they all don’t have metrics in focus. Gamification inherently is data driven, and has that too.

None of the “alternative” terms describe that and communicate those qualities so quickly.

Also just because executives get squeamish because there is the word game in there, is a lame reason. The very same executives find it totally normal to use even more stupid words like “cloud” (is my data disappearing like fog?), mobile (does my stuff go away? Isn’t a car a mobile thing?) and so on…

Manuel Pimenta

Don’t know if I can agree with you on that Mario: Design Thinking does have the motivations and interests of the user in mind, and of course it has a focus on metrics, or else it would be useless as an approach in an enterprise context. On the other hand, I think that the focus on “fun” and the implied decision to treat users like players (and calling them as such!) is what brings gamification’s chops into play (no pun intended :D).

Marigo I think that this is precisely the big difference with gamification versus all the other approaches: not the way it targets users or utilizes motivation and engagement engineering, because, let’s face it – nowadays there is a whole movement based on making the experience special for the users. Don’t know if you’ve heard of it, it’s called Apple.

Gamification for me is what brings FUN into the spotlight. Gamification uses FUN as its main driver. Players need to truly enjoy the experience, to enter that window of FLOW that few other media apart from games can create on such a diverse and instantaneous scale. So yeah, I wouldn’t change the word, even if I have to begin every meeting with “this is not about making games”, but if I had to, I would certainly not shy away from using “game” as a buzzword.

That being said, I also believe that there’s something to what Gabe was talking about regarding tailoring your message for the context it’s being delivered in. Like Maarten Molenaar I believe once said, the application of “subtle” gamification, as in, it’s there even though you don’t mention it explicitly, and when your client finds out he’s already hooked on it

Mario Herger

I have done Design Thinking a lot and also served as a DT coach in enterprises. We never talk about metrics. And also: we don’t look at motivations and interests. We look at how we can help the user to accomplish the task easier and with less errors. But never ask the question, if they actually want to do that out of their own motivation and interest. Observing them at a ticket vending machine does not ask why and what’s their motivation, but how they can be helped to make it frictionless. A toothbrush for children (IDEO designed the one with the thick handle) did not have the question, if the child is motivated or interested in that, or to make it more fun, but more how can we help the child brush the teeth easier.

That is a very different approach. Gamification comes in and asks exactly that. So yes, DT and Gamification ARE different. Now, we use DT as a basis for Gamification Design Thinking, but we added those missing components to the design process.

Manuel Pimenta

I’m not denying your mad skills on DT here Mario, but apparently we’ve had different teachers the way we’ve been doing DT in my company focuses entirely on the users motivations and interests, we are thought to dig deeper as much as required in order to get to the real issues. We are also instructed to focus on metrics in order to identify if the objectives are being met. What you’re describing to me is “just” experience design – card sorting, some interviews to understand UI difficulties, and so forth. And it’s that precisely definition of Design Thinking that made me state that what differentiates Gamification is not its focus on users but the methods that are used to resolve the issues derived from that focus.

On the other hand, we do agree on the fact that DT and Gamification are very different indeed, but for me the difference is in the enjoyment factor, the player nomenclature, the emphasis on achieving that state of FLOW, that hidden business objective inherent to every gamification project: let’s make it fun.

Manuel Pimenta

(btw, loving this discussion! :D)

Hasan Hasanov

I love Enjoyneering, it has interconnected with the behavior and game aspects with joy slogan and includes designing and invention formulas with engineering word.

Marigo Raftopoulos

When we compare and contrast gamification to these other design methods it becomes apparent that we don’t yet have the agreed broad parameters of a design model and framework (e.g like DT) of our own. And maybe we may never achieve that, given the number of mostly small and independent practitioners. For example, game design itself has the same issues and it’s had them for decades. For DT, IDEO was big enough to test and validate the process, educate and resource the market, and promote it for everyone to use. We try to differentiate gamification by saying it includes fun, flow, motivation, engagement, user focus etc. but these concepts are abstract at best, and there is no way we can claim ownership of them as being unique to gamification, as other design methods are also evolving (and are better organized). I love it how this community of practitioners is connected and supportive of one another, so I’m interested in how you’d like to see the industry evolve and grow.

Tore Rex

We often explain it as “the use of strategic game mechanics” or “sustainable motivation for digital platforms” or sometimes just “game-based”… Now when I think about it, it depends on who we talk to and if it’s spoken or in text.

In Denmark and when it’s education, people tend to use “game-based” for some reason.

More business oriented customers tends to go with “motivational user experiences” or “strategic game-mechanics.”

The programmers go for “game-mechanics” or just “a level bar” or whatever game mechanic is used, hehe.

Manuel Pimenta

Marigo I understand where you’re coming from, but I don’t quite agree with your opinion regarding the level of abstractness in fun, flow or motivation. In fact, the work by people like Nicole Lazzaro or Michael Wu or even Prof. Mihaly goes precisely in the direction of legitimizing those concepts as measurable consequences of good gamification design. Furthermore, although we can’t claim ownership of these concepts, we can and should do so to the whole collection as sub-parts of a bigger concept called gamification. The fact that players have so big an input as to warrant all of these perspectives on the designs we create for them is in itself a justification as to why gamification is special. And I sure would like to know what more of you think on this

Marigo Raftopoulos

Don’t get me wrong Manuel Pimenta, I’m a great advocate of gamification. My business and my PhD research is built on it. I think we need to move on from popular opinion to a more scientific basis to grow and move forward as an industry. The people and their good work that you mention above are great examples of how we as gamification practitioners are not seeing our own confirmation biases. We can’t take work that has been done in a different context and retrofit it to gamification. It can certainly help inform, but it it is not the basis from which rigorous models or methods are built. Why do you think that gamification has an aledged 80% failure rate? To me it points to some of our basic assumptions being not quite right.

Manuel Pimenta

hehe wasn’t implying you weren’t in the gamification wagon Marigo the thing is that work by Michael Wu and Nicole Lazzaro was done in the context of gamification, that’s why I state them as references on the “scientification” of gamification. We certainly need more folk like them and like you that dedicate their studies to the details of out practice.

About the famed 80%, the problem is not that our basic assumptions are not right, but instead that there are a lot of people trying to make an easy stab at gamification without understanding its finer concepts. And this is not just our problem, if you look at the management or psychological sections in a bookstore, the amount of utter nonsense that is being written off as “silver bullets” or “genius theory” is ridiculous. And it’ll go up before it goes down.

The “easy fix” sharks sniffed blood in the water with our gamification baby and lots of them made and are still making a mess of it.

Enter people like all of you guys: Andrzej, Yu-kai, Mario, Roman, Gabe, etc etc etc discussing all of these questions with annoying newbies like me so we can all get our answers straight

Joris Beerda

Great, so we are back to using Gamification as the term for what we do and explain it to different clients in different settings differently Nothing wrong with that, all denominators for movements have been discussed at lengths by its practitioners (whether it was “capitalism”, “feminism” or any other new term). And agreement over the applicability or usability often took decades to be established. In 5 years from now we won’t be having these discussions anymore I think. We’d be too busy implementing all our Gamification projects anyway

Davis Webb

gamification and game-based learning bleed into each other and it gets confusing, I tend to be more pedantic in my explanantions to clients, the word “game” is still burdensome, and is associated with frivolity and mirth, and god forbid we should experience mirth in a classroom!

Joris Beerda

Well, if 70% of big corporates have implemented Gamification by now (whether in a good way or not), it cannot be THAT confusing I think.

Nat A Lee

In an educational context I have started using the phrase ‘Leveling Up” as it creates an image of the Learners’ Journey and their different needs at each point. It is still linked to games, but takes the conversation towards structural gamification.

Toby Beresford

On my swim this morning, I found myself wondering about this conversation, as you do. I was wondering if we could visualise the it like a tree – with gamification as the trunk, behavioural economics/game design/motivational design/ scorekeeping etc as the roots, the branches are then then disciplines: Gamified Customer Relationship Management (GCRM), Gamified Performance Management (GPM), Gamified Learning Management (GLM), Gamified Loyalty (G-loyalty) and so on? GSummit does this pretty well. I think acronyms can be helpful in clarifying what we mean, by compounding concepts and so offering a mental bridge between the old and new.

Andrzej Marczewski

Is it gamification if….?

This is a question I get asked all the time. Is it gamification if x,y or z.  Depending on my mood and their question, I answer a little differently at first but always end the same way. Is it taking something that is not a game and making it more game like in some way? If it is, then you could call it gamification – but you are likely to get people complain one way or the other!

As you may or may not know, I have spent a great deal of time trying to organise my thoughts on this and define gamificaiton, which is how I settled on Game Thinking. This is my umbrella term that covers everything from making interfaces look a little more “gamey”, to making full fledged games.

The reality is we will probably never totally agree all the time on this. A better questions is “Does this solve the problem”, or “Is this the best solution for the users?”. It doesn’t matter if you use gamification or games or ninja monkeys. As a gamifier, you are a problem solver. Your job is to solve an issue the client is having. The likelihood is you will favour a solution with a game like flavour – but I would think that you would not reject a solution just because it is not “proper” gamification.

Never reject an idea or a solution that may be better than yours because you don’t know how to or have the expertise to execute it. If the answer is to create a game, it doesn’t matter if you think that is true gamification – it is still the answer and you should do what you can to facilitate it!

A look at Wikipedia’s definition of Gamification over the years

Just out of curiosity, I had a look through some of the historical pages on Wikipedia’s Gamification entry. It was an interesting time line of the evolution of our definition of gamification, first added in October 2010 it seems. Take a look. It is interesting to see that it puts emphasis on technology based solution in 2010, which is dropped by 2012. Around 2011 the term Funware is added to the definition. This gets dropped by the end of 2012. 2012 also sees the idea of game thinking entering the core definition as well as engagement (which vanishes for a bit then comes back in 2013!). In 2013 we see the first mention of solving problems as part of the core definition. Also, Nick Pelling starts to get some credit for coining of the wold Gamification. The difinition that first comes up early 2013 remains pretty much intact right up until presnt day (April 2014).

Have a look!

October 2010

Gamification is the use of game play mechanics for non-game consumer technology applications (also known as “funware”), particularly consumer-oriented web and mobile sites, in order to encourage people to adopt the technology and encourage desired behaviors of users.

Gamification works by making technology more engaging, and by encouraging desired behaviors, taking advantage of humans’ psychological predisposition to engage in gaming. The technique can encourage people to perform chores that they ordinarily consider boring, such as completing surveys, shopping, or reading web sites.

May 2011

Gamification is the use of game play mechanics for non-game applications (also known as “funware”), particularly consumer-oriented web and mobile sites, in order to encourage people to adopt the applications. It also strives to encourage users to engage in desired behaviors in connection with the applications.

Gamification works by making technology more engaging, and by encouraging desired behaviors, taking advantage of humans’ psychological predisposition to engage in gaming. The technique can encourage people to perform chores that they ordinarily consider boring, such as completing surveys, shopping, or reading web sites.

February 2012

Gamification is the use of game design techniques and mechanics to solve problems and engage audiences.

Typically gamification applies to non-game applications and processes (also known as “funware”), in order to encourage people to adopt them. Gamification works by making technology more engaging, by encouraging users to engage in desired behaviors, by showing a path to mastery and autonomy, and by taking advantage of humans’ psychological predisposition to engage in gaming. The technique can encourage people to perform chores that they ordinarily consider boring, such as completing surveys, shopping, filling out tax forms, or reading web sites. Available data from gamified websites, applications, and processes indicate potential improvements in areas like user engagement, ROI, data quality, timeliness, or learning.

September 2012

Gamification is the use of game design elements, game thinking and game mechanics to enhance non-game contexts.

Typically gamification applies to non-game applications and processes, in order to encourage people to adopt them, or to influence how they are used. Gamification works by making technology more engaging, by encouraging users to engage in desired behaviors, by showing a path to mastery and autonomy, by helping to solve problems and not being a distraction, and by taking advantage of humans’ psychological predisposition to engage in gaming. The technique can encourage people to perform chores that they ordinarily consider boring, such as completing surveys, shopping, filling out tax forms, or reading web sites.

Available data from gamified websites, applications, and processes indicate potential improvements in areas like user engagement, ROI, data quality, timeliness, or learning.

November 2012

Gamification is the use of game mechanics and game design techniques in non-game contexts.

Typically gamification applies to non-game applications and processes, in order to encourage people to adopt them, or to influence how they are used. Gamification’s proponents argue that it works by making technology more engaging, by encouraging users to engage in desired behaviors, by showing a path to mastery and autonomy, by helping to solve problems and being more engaging, and by taking advantage of humans’ psychological predisposition to engage in gaming.

Available data from gamified websites, applications, and processes indicate potential improvements in areas such as user engagement, ROI, data quality, timeliness, and learning.

January 2013

Gamification is the use of game-thinking and game mechanics in non-game contexts in order to engage users and solve problems.

Gamification is used in applications and processes to improve user engagement, ROI, data quality, timeliness, and learning.

May 2013

Gamification is the use of game thinking and game mechanics in a non-game context in order to engage users and solve problems

Gamification is used in applications and processes to improve user engagement, Return on Investment, data quality, timeliness, and learning The word was coined by Nick Pelling.

April 2014

Gamification is the use of game thinking and game mechanics in non-game contexts to engage users in solving problems.

Gamification has been studied and applied in several domains, such as to improve user engagement, physical exercise,return on investment, data quality, timeliness, and learning. A review of research on gamification shows that most studies on gamification find positive effects from gamification.



Ark Group KM Conference

Gamification is a hot topic right now. Gartner even has it at the top of its hype cycle right now. But, what is it and has it taken off in the world of Knowledge Management?

Wikipedia defines gamification as;

the use of game thinking and game mechanics in non-game contexts to engage users in solving problems

Gartner has recently caused a bit of a controversy in gamification circles by narrowing the definition to;

the use of game mechanics and experience design to digitally engage and motivate people to achieve their goals

Personally I go with;

The use of game elements and design metaphors to solve problems – such as engagement, motivation or compliance

There are various models that are associated with Knowledge Management. I feel that it is interesting to consider a couple whilst we look into how gamification can be used. The 9 Step KM Process developed by Knowledge Associates seems to be one that has many areas that could utilise gamification.

as do the 4 dimensions of Knowledge Management & Innovation

Both of these lend themselves very well to the concepts of gamification, especially the User Journey.

Getting involved.

The conference is happening over the 11th and 12th of June. To find out more or book your place, head to http://www.ark-group.com/mp_introduction.asp?ac=1570&nc=1&fc=167

Before the conference the Day Two Chairman Paul J Corney (Managing Partner Knowledge et al), Stephen Dale (Managing Director of Collabor8now Ltd) and I are conducting preliminary research to see whether organisations involved in Knowledge Management are adopting some of the emerging gamification tools and techniques. Stephen has a paper on this subject to be published soon and Paul and I will be running a workshop at KMUK the results of which will be made available to everyone who participates here and at that event.

Please take a few minutes to help us develop a better picture of what’s happening. Even if you are not directly involved in a gamification type initiative in your organisation, your view is important.  Thanks in advance

[contact-form-7 id=”2226″ title=”KM Survey”]

[Updated] What gamification is to me – My definition

Updated September 2015!

As you know, over the weekend I picked a fight with Gartner over their redefinition of gamification.http://blogs.gartner.com/brian_burke/2014/04/04/gartner-redefines-gamification/ and https://gamified.uk/2014/04/05/a-response-to-gartners-new-definition-of-gamification/

The conversation turned to a bit of a bun fight, so I have now stepped away a little. However, it got me thinking about my own definition and why I use it and what gamification in general means to me.


However, I have decided to change it a little, to give it more scope and with luck make the aims clearer.

The use of game design metaphors to create more game-like and engaging experiences

So what does this all mean to me.


Game Design Metaphors

Many definitions talk about non game contexts. I talk about metaphors. We use game like interface design in applications that are not games. We use game like narratives, in applications that are not games. We use the game equivalent as a metaphor – we using these things in ways that are not literally applicable as games.


Gamification is a very specific approach that does not actually involve creating games, it is about using ideas from the games, elements and more.

Engaging Experiences

This is the key to gamification, engagement. I define engagement as Active and intrinsically motivated participation. So with gamification we are trying to create experiences that promote this.


This is core to my understanding and approach to gamification. It is one tool in a tool-kit designed to solve problems.

Now, I don’t expect anyone to agree with me. My definition is not really different from any other out there, I just like this wording. I find that this way I am not limiting myself to any technology or approach. Bits of paper or digital platforms are all fair game for me.  I am also not interfering with my own ideas on where serious games fit into the equation.


I am sure over time, the way I describe gamification to people will change. However, the core aspect will not. It is an approach to problem solving. It is not defined by the platform or the trends that may enable it.


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