One-Click Sharing and conversations. How I use and manage Twitter

How i share articles One Click Sharing and conversations How I use and manage Twitter

Continuing my mix of gamification and social media articles (as I need a break from writing about gamification for a week!), I thought I would write down the tools and methods I use to manage Twitter and share articles. Not the most interesting bit of writing I will ever do, but I have been asked by a few how I do it – so here goes!

Managing Twitter.

I use quite a few (free) online tools to manage my Twitter stream . That includes managing day to day conversations, followers, sharing and timing.

My most common tool however, is Tweetbot on my iPhone. I have this set to alert me whenever I get a new mention, follower, retweet or anything else. That way I am able to respond to people as soon as it is convenient to me. If you take nothing else away from this, that is the most important thing to do. Respond to people. Twitter is all about (for me at least), interesting conversations! Read More ...