A New Year for Gamification

Pf 2018 3031241 1920 A New Year for Gamification

As we usher in a New Year, I wanted to make a few New Year wishes for gamification in 2018.

The industry finally matures and stops acting like a petulant teenager!
  • 2017 saw a lot of advances in gamification, but the industry still has a way to go. Misogyny, pettiness, immature attitudes towards research and evidence are just some of the problems we still face.
  • And don’t get me started on the concept of 1-week courses producing gurus and specialists!
We stop using words like “addictive” and “addicting” (goes for the games industry as well)

  • We do not want to create addictive products. Engaging, yes. Compelling, yes, but not addictive. Addiction is very bad, yet I keep hearing people talk about creating “Addictive products” or “Addictive experiences” and seeing it in product descriptions and platform description. Again, addiction is bad, we don’t want it! If you can’t make a product that is engaging without relying on behaviour loops that create addiction, you need to get out of the industry.
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