Introduction to Gamification Part 1: What is Gamification?

Introduction to Gamification Part 1 2 Introduction to Gamification Part 1 What is Gamification

Happy 2019. I thought this year I would go back to the beginning and reintroduce all of my previous work for a whole new generation! Sounds boring and a copout, I know. However, having not long released Even Ninja Monkeys Like to Play: Unicorn Edition, it seems like a good time to have a bit of a fresh look at things.

What is Gamification

So, starting at the beginning, let’s explore what gamification is, 8 years after I first discovered its existence!

The first thing to keep in mind is that gamification is not just about making games. In a true game, entertainment is the desired outcome of what the designer is building. In gamification, there is normally a defined business outcome, such as higher engagement rates. Entertainment is very rarely the core reason a business will want gamification in their product or service. Read More ...

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