If You Love Gamification You Should Love This from Gustavo Tondello!

Badges 1582555779 If You Love Gamification You Should Love This from Gustavo Tondello

I don’t often promote other people, I’m a selfish git like that. However, the work of Gustavo Tondello at Gameful Bits is some of my favourite in the industry. His PhD research is some of the best I have seen, mixing well research data with practical application (and yes, he did work with my User Types, but that is only part of why I like his stuff!)

Anyway, he has started a new venture that should be of interest to anyone in the industry. For a small monthly Patreon fee, he will be creating in-depth articles and reviews based on the research that is out there, but in a format that is easy to digest for the busiest of consultants! Read More ...

PDF Tray If You Love Gamification You Should Love This from Gustavo Tondello