Introduction | About the cards | Want to buy a deck? | More ways to play
I don’t know what it is, but I love cards. I think it stems from my parents, who were avid Bridge players. We always had several decks Bridge cards lying around. I like how they feel in your hand, how they smell, how they sound as you shuffle them. When I first discovered that people had been producing sets of cards for everything from project management to game design and of course gamification, I was a happy man! I own several of these kinds of decks now and love them all.
However, as I was developing my own theories, especially my User Types, I found the decks I had a little less useful to me. So, rather than trying to bend them to my needs, I decided to create my own – the Gamification Inspiration Cards.
About the cards
These cards are designed to help inspire ideas and build new and interesting gamified solutions. They have been developed to work hand in hand with my user types, but they are not limited to just that.
Use them to help you design new strategies and products. Play the various “games” described with the deck or on the “More ways to play” pages to get the creative juices flowing. Stuck? Just sit and shuffle the deck whilst you think about the problem, you may just see a card that triggers that Eureka moment.
A huge thanks to Jonathan Kohl for all of his suggestions as he used the various card prototypes to build new products! Check him out at
Buy a deck
If you are interested in buying a deck of these cards, please email at[email protected] to pre-order. There are 52 poker sized cards (plus some instructions), wrapped and in a plain box. These are priced at £15 (GBP) plus delivery and are currently on a very limited run!
Introduction | About the cards | Want to buy a deck? | More ways to play
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