Competitive Silos or Collaborative Success

1389662 22069019 Competitive Silos or Collaborative Success

One of the most popular uses of enterprise gamification is to create competition. I don’t mean in the form of marketing campaigns, I am talking about internal competitions between employees. Sales leader-boards, fitness competitions, who is best at social etc.

The idea is to drive employees to want to be better than the others. Being at the bottom of the leader-board should motivate me to want to work my way to the top – I should want to win.

Whilst this is true in certain environments, it can be rather limiting in others. Read More ...

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Mechanics and ideas to support your gamified systems

Deck preview Mechanics and ideas to support your gamified systems

A slightly cheating post today. Here are the mechanics and ideas that I have been using when supporting certain user types. I wanted to present them in a non usertype specific way. So instead of Player, here you see “Short term engagement, Activity”. This should help people see a little more clearly how to support different gamified activities.

The smaller / fainter the mechanic or idea, the less impact it has.

Click one of the links to jump straight to the activity.

Education | Innovation, Change | Creativity, Invention | Contribution, Help | Short term engagement, Activity | Collaboration
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Social Now Event

Social now Social Now Event
Event management for Social Now – Tools for Workforce Collaboration powered by Eventbrite

Normally, I would not post a press release about an event, however… I will be speaking at this one, so have a look!! Of course it will be a great event either way, well worth a look if your organisastion is interested in the world of Social!.

Social Now is an international event with a very unique format. It is designed to help organisations understand (the differences between) social tools and ways of enhancing the return from their existing ones.

This is achieved through short stories, told by tool representatives, of how their tool is used at Cablinc, a fictitious company, to address three business requirements: innovation management, topic-based knowledge sharing, and project-based collaboration. Read More ...

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