Sell yourself with Confidence and a bit of Ego – but leave the arrogance at the door.

Professional life is all about selling yourself. Every day you need to sell yourself to others to make them believe that you can do the job they are asking of you.

To sell yourself you need to have an ego and you need to be confident. Ego shows you have pride in yourself. Confidence shows you have belief in yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself how will others?

However, confidence and ego are not the same as arrogance.

You are the best at what you do, you are the best person for the job, but there is no need to rub people’s noses in it! Read More ...

PDF Tray Sell yourself with Confidence and a bit of Ego but leave the arrogance at the door

Meet the distracted, multi tasking and gamified workforce of the future.

Recently I was lucky enough to be given an hour to chat with a group of 16 and 17 year olds about Social Media and technology in general.

It started with a general chat about how we communicate in day-to-day life. I was amazed that the first answer I got was “Facebook”. I had twitter, Xbox live, MSN and email before we got to talking! Face to face human interaction. However, as I spoke to them more and more I began to understand why. They take digital communication for granted in the same way we who are older take face to face communication for granted. They thought that was the answer I was looking for. It is just as natural to them. Read More ...

PDF Tray Meet the distracted multi tasking and gamified workforce of the future

Google+ app: Plus Cut Down To Size

Google+ is hot property right now. Technology bloggers the world over are writing thousands of words a day about it (myself included).

Sitting in a kind of partway space between the simplicity of Twitter and the do a bit of everything nature of Facebook, it is a technology that is still finding its true place in the social media world.

So far, it seems that where Facebook is for communicating with friends and family and Twitter is for engaging with new audiences and meeting new friends, Google+ is for talking at acquaintances! Read More ...

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Bath time blogging and walking on the moon.

Image Bath time blogging and walking on the moon

Despite the title, this is actually about how amazing technology is and how much we take it for granted!

Right now, I am lying in my bath, typing this up on my iPhone. When I am finished, I will press publish on the WordPress app and moments later these words will become available to millions of people over the internet.
Whilst I am doing that I am also chatting to old friends over Meebo, Live communicator, Twitter and email.

Now, scrub that mental image from your mind and let the basic message sink in. We can communicate with friends and family and potentially connect with millions of other people all from a mobile device like a smart phone. Technology is amazing. Read More ...

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Social Media without the social is just media.

Having a Twitter account or a Facebook page for your company or brand, does not mean you have a Social Media strategy.

Many companies seem to still forget that the key word in Social Media is “social”.

Without customer interaction all you have is media, you may as well just use RSS!

Whilst static feeds on the likes of Twitter have their place (BBC news for instance), if you want to build your brand, you need to engage with your client base or potential client base.

People follow celebrities, not just to find out what they had for breakfast, but because most talk directly to their followers, making them feel closer to their heroes. So it should be with your brand. Read More ...

PDF Tray Social Media without the social is just media