My latest post about setting goals got a little conversation going with my good friend Bernardo Letayf of BLUErabbit
He was saying that it made more sense for my new AMP Goal Setting framework (Achievable, Measurable, Progressible Goals) should be AIM – Achievable, Incremental, Measurable, because I talk a lot about Incrementally Achievable goals in the post. Now, as it happens I had considered this, but I was really wanting to push the idea of progress as well. So what do you think?
- AMP – Achievable, Measurable, Progressible goals
- AIM – Achievable Incremental, Measurable goals
- iAMP – Incrementally Achievable, Measurable, Progressible goals
I actually like iAMP truth be told – very early 2000s 🙂
Let me know what you think 🙂
Similar Posts:
- AMP up your Goals and Smash those New Year’s Resolutions!
- S.M.A.R.T Gamification – Goal Setting
- Progress: My Desert Island Gamification Element
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