Thin Layer vs Deep Level Gamification

Thin vs deep gamification 1 Thin Layer vs Deep Level Gamification

With it nearly being Christmas, I thought I would put out one more blog post before the traditional years round up!

This time I want to look at a concept I have been talking about for a while, but have never really explained properly. Thin Layer and Deep Level gamification.

Thin Layer Gamification

This covers things that are added to the “top” of a system. Points, badges, game like interface components. This type is less about engagement as it is about entertainment, but has its place as I explained last week. Read More ...

Why I use Thin Layer Gamification on my Blog

Jumping captain a6e261d2babd6e4c4b8e35863578477e Why I use Thin Layer Gamification on my Blog

One of the things I have been asked on occasion is why I have included the Captain Up gamification platform on my blog. In my own words, I would describe it as “Short Term, Thin Layer” gamification (something I will elaborate on in a future blog). A layer of veneer that has little or no long-term engagement possibilities. The reason is because I wanted to. Simple as that. I thought that some people who read my blog may find it a bit of fun – short term or not. I have a few hidden Easter egg style rewards on there, but for the most part is a vanilla install that people can play if they like or ignore if they choose. Read More ...