Points & Badges Video Tutorial

Vlcsnap 2014 03 27 11h36m24s217 Points 038 Badges Video Tutorial

The fourth video in my series of tutorials (finally!!)

This one is just a short (10 minute) look at points and badges in gamified systems and how to make some use of them. Not all that different from my Points and Badges: Not Totally Evil blog post, but also talks about balancing and best use case.


Thin Layer vs Deep Level Gamification

Thin vs deep gamification 1 Thin Layer vs Deep Level Gamification

With it nearly being Christmas, I thought I would put out one more blog post before the traditional years round up!

This time I want to look at a concept I have been talking about for a while, but have never really explained properly. Thin Layer and Deep Level gamification.

Thin Layer Gamification

This covers things that are added to the “top” of a system. Points, badges, game like interface components. This type is less about engagement as it is about entertainment, but has its place as I explained last week. Read More ...