Speaking at Gamification Europe 2017

For those of you who are interested in gamification events and live in the UK or indeed Europe, November the 278h-29th should be pretty exciting for you. The first edition of Gamification Europe is happening in Brighton and the line-up is looking excellent! You will get to hear from the likes of Marigo Ruftopolous, Michael Wu, An Coppens and of course me!

If you want to attend the conference, you can register at the Gamification Europe website. Use the code GE25AM to get a 25% discount. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/gamification-europe-registration-38868140655

Also, if you are on the Gamification Gurus Leaderboard, you have the opportunity to vote on a series of awards that will be presented on the night, from top Guru to best project – head over to this link to check out what the awards are and who is nominated. http://gamificationofwork.com/awards/ You can only vote if you have been on the board since October and have Guru points! Use that vote wisely and soon as it is only open until the 15th of November 🙂

I hope to see you there.


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