A Request For Your Expertise to Help Me Lose Weight!

How do all?

So, rather than me offering my view on things, I want to put the ball in your court.

I have been reminded that I need to lose some weight and get healthier for a few medical reasons. I have done this in the past, but I am terrible at sticking to regimes, despite, or maybe because of, all the stuff I know about motivation and habit building! The irony is real!

What I would love is to hear your advice, words of wisdom and stories about losing weight and getting in shape. What worked for you? Did you use gamification? Did you use well-known plans or more obscure methods? Read More ...

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Zombies Run! 5K – Attempting to get fit

Zombies 5k Zombies Run 5K 8211 Attempting to get fit

Well, the scales have shouted at me again and it is time to get in shape. I have let myself go over the last few years and my body is beginning to tell me off as well!

I used to run, but always hated it. For a while I was trying to use Zombies Run! from Six to Start, however there was an assumption that you were already fit enough to run in the first place. This time, I thought I would start slow and steady with the help of Zombies Run’s baby sibling – Zombies Run 5K.

It is an app that takes you through an 8 week program that should help you get from couch potato (me) to someone who can run 5 kilometres. Obviously there is nothing all that new about this idea. What Zombies Run! adds to the equation is a narrative that helps to keep you going through the exercises. Read More ...

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