What if they don’t want to play?

Engage Luc Picard 1024x682 1 What if they don 8217 t want to play

One of the questions I get asked all the time is,

“What if people just don’t want to play your game? How do you engage them?”.

The answer comes in two parts, both as important as each other. One you may not like, but you have to accept it!

The first is, make sure you have designed the system properly.  If you have just added some badges and a leaderboard, then you are going to engage a very small number of people for any length of time. Consider looking at the User Types and design more to support them. People often say that people don’t engage with gamification because gamification is bad. The truth is that many gamification designers are bad – and so they create bad gamification. This is true of any industry and especially new technology, just think how wrong most companies got social media at the beginning!
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Personal Brand. What is it and why should I care?

Brand Personal Brand What is it and why should I care

Personal brand, like gamification, it one of those terms that seems to come up more and more these days.

In a nutshell, personal brand is the image of yourself that others see. By this, I don’t mean the clothes you wear or you haircut (though this can be part of it), I mean something deeper and more important in the long term.

Have you ever searched for your name on the internet? If not, head to Google and do it now (then come back!).

Now, answer these questions about the first page of results; Read More ...

Content is King – Even in Gamification

Crowned heart Content is King 8211 Even in Gamification

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We have all heard the saying “Content is King”. Marketers tell us this, SEO experts, PR people, writers and more. They promote quality over quantity as the way to attract and keep people. They also promote the long game, looking for repeatable and sustained success rather than a quick and temporary fix. Read More ...

Social Now Event

Social now Social Now Event
Event management for Social Now – Tools for Workforce Collaboration powered by Eventbrite

Normally, I would not post a press release about an event, however… I will be speaking at this one, so have a look!! Of course it will be a great event either way, well worth a look if your organisastion is interested in the world of Social!.

Social Now is an international event with a very unique format. It is designed to help organisations understand (the differences between) social tools and ways of enhancing the return from their existing ones.

This is achieved through short stories, told by tool representatives, of how their tool is used at Cablinc, a fictitious company, to address three business requirements: innovation management, topic-based knowledge sharing, and project-based collaboration. Read More ...

Prompts. Learning from kids toys and LinkedIn

5percent Prompts Learning from kids toys and LinkedIn

Ok, so maybe a serious blog this week.

Prompts are important, we use them all the time, but we probably don’t think much about them. Do you set yourself reminders on your phone or in Outlook? Meeting requests, messages on your pin board at home to remind you what to by at the shops, Post It notes on the fridge? All of these are prompts, they are also all calls to action.

My daughter has a lot of toys. For the most part they all make noise as well. One of the things that scares the hell out of me is when one decides to make noise, five minutes after she has stopped playing with them. She as one called Alfie Bear.  When you put him down, just before he switches off properly, he suddenly laughs and says “Come play with me”. Creepy, but a very good call to action. There is no ambiguity about what you need to do next – go play with him! Lots of her toys do similar, in much the same way as arcade machines of my youth had an attract mode. This would show you some of the cool things in the game and shout things out from the machine, to attract you to play. Read More ...