User Types in Gamification – Part 2: Players and Balance

User Types Intrinsic User Types in Gamification 8211 Part 2 Players and Balance

This is here for interest only now – User Types 2.0 is where it is a now!!

Last week I started to explore my ideas about the different types of users there are likely to be in a gamified system. I have had loads of feedback, mostly very positive. Thanks for that. One question that keeps coming up is “what about the Player user type”? “There must be more too it!”. The answer is, of course, yes. There is a lot more.

What I explored last week was really just the intrinsically motivated types of users. Those doing things for purely self related reasons. Helping others, because it makes them feel good. Learning because they want to and enjoy the experience. Creating content that they feel will add to the greater meaning of a system. Read More ...

My year of blogging 2011

A look back at my blogs from 2011. Interesting to see me slowly switching focus from Social Media and Technology to nearly all Gamification!

New Year – What could it Bring

Posted on December 31, 2011Well, in a few hours it will be 2012. Now, sadly we are not traveling in flying cars though luckily it doesn’t look like the world is going to end. So what is going to happen in 2012? I think it is pretty certain that a gajillion new social media related jobs will be created. That said, I have to wonder how long that can last. More…Posted in Opinion Read More ...

What the Klout just happened?

Klout. My friend my enemy and subject of some of my earliest posts. In October last year I wrote a blog called Treating the Klout. In it I discussed the big change they had just made to their algorithm that had given rise to many complaints from the community. Some had dropped massively in score, others jumped up. Well, they’ve done it again.

Yesterday saw then roll out their latest calculation. Now they include many more data points to decide if you are influential or not. In my case they have now decided that I’m not really all that influential compared to my peers after all. In other cases they have given people very large upwards jumps indeed. Hell they even downgraded Justin Beiber. Read More ...

The rise and rise of the web developer

1213666 world wide web The rise and rise of the web developer

In the Beginning there was HTML

When I first started out in web design, things were different.  It was like the wild west - small groups of frontiers men still dipping their toe into the waters of what was possible.  It was a fairly well established industry at the time, but it was something that the general public didn't get all that involved in. 

Confessions, Klout and Contradictions

In my third set of musings around social influence and indexing tools such as Klout, I feel it is time to confess a few things.

But first, you may have noticed from my previous posts - I am not a fan of the importance being put on the afore mentioned tools in the industry.