10 Years of HEXAD

10 years of hexad 10 Years of HEXAD

Well, I just realised that I may have missed the 10-year anniversary of the HEXAD!! (Try the new 12 question quiz!!)

I think I actually created the HEXAD in 2013 – but it is a bit fluffy as it went through so many iterations before the HEXAD was finalised! Below you can see some of the evolution. There was much more than this of course.

One of the things building this taught me was that you are not always right! I too many missteps and had a lot of help. Richard Bartle, Amy Jo Kim and Nicole Lazaro all gave me loads and loads of help as I developed the types. Read More ...

HEXAD 12 – The New and Improved HEXAD User Type Test!

Hexadnew HEXAD 12 8211 The New and Improved HEXAD User Type Test

This is so cool. I am absolutely thrilled to announce the first big update to the HEXAD User Type Test in a very long time!

There is new and improved version of the test that works from half the question and is just as, if not more, accurate than before.

Developed by Jeanine Krath, Maximilian Altmeyer, Gustavo F. Tondello and Lennart E. Nacke, you can read the full paper here – HEXAD 12. Gustavo will also be releasing a blog on it soon.

This will slowly start to replace the old version, but you can go an get your HEXAD User Type now – https://www.gamified.uk/UserTypeTest2023 Read More ...

The Dark HEXAD – Star Wars has inspired a new HEXAD!

Dark hexad The Dark HEXAD 8211 Star Wars has inspired a new HEXAD

I was having a think about the User Type HEXAD and it occurred to me that I have never considered Star Wars and how that might fit the HEXAD! You know, as you do 😀

As I did so, I was reminded of the fact that when I started building the user types, I used to split based on whether they interacted with people or a system AND if they acted on people or the system – I.E. imposed themselves on them rather than working within them.  This got me thinking about light and dark side HEXAD types. If you have seen my DODECAD you will know that there are actually 12 types in my overall taxonomy – but I really like this idea of a Dark HEXAD! Read More ...

New Solution & Gamification Design Lenses Card Deck

20210826 162544 e1639666992327 New Solution 038 Gamification Design Lenses Card Deck

For the first time in a while, I have a sort of new product for you! The Solution & Gamification Design Lenses Card Deck!

Basically it is a series of cards that contain questions related to various frameworks I use in my life as a solution designer. They cover ground from the User Type HEXAD, to the COM-B behaviour change model and lots in between – including the “What’s the worst that could happen” card!

Available through DriveThruCards, they come as a deck of 44 cards – which is actually 2 decks of the 22 cards, just to try and make them better value for you. I am also providing a downloadable deck for you if you want that instead.

Buy Them!

The link to the physical cards is https://www.drivethrucards.com/product/362861/Gamification-Design-Lenses

You can get the download and print deck from here [purchase_link id=”8718″ style=”plain” color=”” text=”£10 Download Buy Now!” direct=”true”]


Relationships Between HEXAD Types

Type relationships Relationships Between HEXAD Types

It’s been a while since I wrote about the HEXAD user types, but the world does not stand still and I keep seeing them turning up in academic papers – which is amazing, so I thought it time to say a few words on things that have repeatedly come up!

I was inspired by a recent paper by Ana Cláudia Guimarães Santos, Wilk Oliveiraa, Juho Hamari and Seiji Isotani called “Do people’s user types change over time? An exploratory study ” You can grab a copy here.

Without spoiling too much, they come to many conclusions about the types, but one that stuck out for me was

“the dominant user types can not be considered stable.”

There were also a few comments around Free Spirits and Disruptors being a touch difficult as well!

“Disruptor and Free Spirit presented reliability results slightly below the acceptable […] might highlight the necessity of the improvement of Disruptor and Free Spirit sub-scale or further analysis of these user types” Read More ...